Heartland Homesteaders
Health, Wellness & Nutrition
It is important for people to be proactive in regards to their health and wellness. This means taking responsibility to research, educate yourself and to ask questions when it comes to your health! We believe that good nutrition can work wonders when it comes to one's health and wellness.
In many instances good nutrition can resolve health issues and should be used in conjunction with any medical directives.
The following information is provided so that everyone
who is concerned about their health issues can gain insight
on what may be causing their problems and what is possible
for you to do to regain control of your health and life.
The information herein is being presented by dedicated professionals in Medical and Nutritional fields and has been included due to their knowledge, expertise and experience in helping people.
None of the information contained herein is intended to
Diagnose, Treat, Cure or Prevent any Disease, it is provided
so that you can have a good place to start doing your own
research into health and nutrition so that you can make an educated decision on how you should proceed.
The resources on this page are being added to often... please check back to see what's new!
Video Presentations:
The following YouTube video links are provided for your convience.
You may also download the video files from this page if the links become invalid.
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